Saturday, December 28, 2019

10 Things To Improve your life In 2020

I am predicting is going to be a big year for me and I know I am not the only one have such thoughts. Being a year older and a year wiser I want to do things different and improve my life and become the better version of me.
Sometimes life can take a toil on you and you feel like your stuck but if you have habits that are positive in your life you will always feel better afterwards.  Some I have been doing occasionally but now I want to make them a habit. These are things you need to improve in order to have a productive life.

Set Attainable Goals

This is one of the areas I can't say I'm good at. Every beginning of the year I usually make a lot of goals and 90% are unattainable. This is because I make unrealistic goals, just because its January and everyone is making goals so I also copy that without thinking through what I'm capable of.
Now I am going to improve that and make goals that I can attain and be proud of myself. I know now its okay not to make huge milestone like others. What is important is to make goals that I can accomplish.

Be Positive

Saying "can't be done" automatically blocks our mind and makes things impossible to achieve. This year we are working on training our mind to have I can't attitude. This will help to become constructive and keep working towards something better even in tough situation. You will fall along the way because habits takes time to adapt but persistent is key.

Manage Time

"I don't have time, I am too busy" is very common but the reality is there is always time, we just don't know how to manage it. We spend a lot of time on social media gossip or tabloids while we could go online and read books of financial freedom. This year let us use our time in constructive things. I am also a victim of this but being wiser also means managing my time well.


After months of not being active the thought of working out can be tormenting and seem like the hardest thing. They say actions becomes a habit after doing them over a period of time. Exercising continuously it becomes a habit and not a chore that you dread.when you exercise blood pump faster and releases those endorphins that make you happy and reduce stress and make you productive throughout the day.

Eating Right

In this day and age where fast food is readily available at every food joint around the corner and busy schedules, it's easy to result in eating junk food all the time. This lifestyle shouldn't be a reason not to eat healthy. Healthy foods help us lose weight and managing lifestyle diseases. Doing as little as swapping fizzy drinks for water or eating a lot of vegetables in every meal will help a great deal.

Face Your Fears

Make a list of all the bad situation that could occur and you will see that is not all that bad after all. The cost of being rule by fear is aways greater than that of facing them. Fear prohibit you from moving forward and improving life. Once you realize that you will not let fear stop you to be great.


Saving is a way of keeping something for rainy days. We can't predict the future but one thing is certain is that you will need that saving in case of an emergency. Saving needs a lot of displine which is very hard for many. You can start small you don't have to go all in e.g. saving all the balance you receive or have a rule of saving 10% of your earnings as your safety net. Another key that goes in hand with saving is budgeting. Have a budget of all your needs and wants and buy something when it's a need.

Stop Making Excuses

Many people tend to make excuses when the right way is not the easy way. That when you will hear  "I will do it later, I will finish tomorrow" but all this are excuses nothing more. Excuses result to poor desicion making and it's time to stop it and push our limits. Now it is time to make hard deaicion for nothing comes easy.

Don't Take Things Personal

In life your going to have people who will give you negative comments, advice and also judge you poorly. Don't take it personal for it only shows how bitter they are with themselves and its not about you. Learn to let it slide and keep your head high because it is not worth your time.

Treat Yourself

Last but not least treat yourself after along year of working and working towards an improved version of yourself. Always make time to congratulate yourself on the achievements you have made. This the time you relax and relieve stress while also working on new goals you want to set.